Special Event Worship

Holy Week 2024

Sunday, March 24
Palm Sunday
9:30 a.m.

Join us a few minutes early to be part of our palm procession at the beginning of the service as we remember the day Jesus entered Jerusalem to shouts of joy

Thursday, March 28
Maundy Thursday
7 p.m.

We will gather to remember the last supper and the last moments Jesus shared with His disciples before being taken away by armed guards. With his disciples we will hear his command wash each other’s feet. We will share in the supper of the Lord, and we will strip the altar and sanctuary bare in remembrance of the sorrow of that night when our Savior was betrayed by one of those closest to Him.

Friday, March 29
Good Friday
6:15 p.m.

Weather permitting, we will take up a cross and walk through the streets surrounding our church, stopping at intervals to offer up prayers for ourselves, our community, and our world, as we recall Jesus’ carrying the cross for us to Golgotha.

7 p.m.

We will gather in the sanctuary for a service of growing darkness as we read the story of the trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. We will be invited to not turn away, but enter fully into the darkness and pain of that day.

Sunday, March 31
7:30 a.m.

A sunrise service to celebrate the miracle of Easter with a special musical presentation by our choir. Come hear the story of Easter told in music, song, and spoken word.

8 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.

Share in a time of fellowship with a light breakfast provided for those who attend our sunrise service or those who come early for our traditional service.

9:30 a.m.

Join us for our traditional Easter worship service with prayer, singing, preaching, and Holy Communion.

After Worship

Children are invited to join in our Easter egg hunt. We anticipate a special visit from a white, fluffy friend, and there will be opportunities for children, families, and others to have pictures taken on this most special of days.

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