I am writing to share with you our worship plans for the next few weeks, including Christmas Eve. I’ll begin with Christmas Eve.
Our plans for Christmas Eve have two parts.
First, we will have the church open for two hours that evening. The Christmas lights will be lit, and music will be playing. Our choir will sing prayerful and holy songs during parts of the two-hour period. Individuals and families will be welcome to come, to pray, to sit, to light a candle in anticipation of Christ’s coming, and to serve each other Communion if they wish.
Second, if the weather permits, we plan an outdoor Christmas Eve gathering on the grassy field north of the church. We will hear the Christmas story, sing some Christmas carols, and light candles as we sing Silent Night. I’m hoping for a clear night with stars for us to sing under.
We are still working out exactly what times these things will occur on Christmas Eve. I will share that as soon as possible.
In the next couple of Sundays, we will be providing support so you can worship at home. With this letter, I’ve included a simple order of worship you can use at home. Each week, we will post a sermon video that you can watch as part of your worship. Links to that will be sent out through e-mail and Facebook. For those without Internet, I will write a short devotional response to the Scripture that we will mail out for you to use if you wish.
As you have joys and concerns over the next few weeks, please share them with the church office, Brenda Davis, or me. We will send out e-mail prayer messages each week and invite you to raise them up as you worship on Sunday.
This has been a challenging year for us all, and we are all disappointed that we have had to discontinue worship in the sanctuary for a short time. I am sure there are some in our congregation who disagree with this decision. I hope that as we look for creative ways to continue to worship, we can use this time to recall our brothers and sisters in different parts of the world and in different times in the history of the church who never had the great privilege we enjoy when we gather together in our building. May our worship in these next few weeks be a sacrifice in their honor and to the glory of God.
Thank you for your faithfulness. God bless you. God bless our church.
You may continue to tithe and make offerings during these weeks by mail or online.
Sheridan First UMC
207 E. Second Street
Sheridan, IN 46069
2 replies on “December Worship Changes”
I am new to Sheridan. I am searching for a church home not only for me but my grandchildren as well.
Thank you for writing, Patti. We hope to be open again for worship in January if things do not take a drastic turn worse in the next few weeks. If you contact our pastor at johnmeunier@gmail.com he’d be happy to set up a time to talk or try to answer your questions.
Merry Christmas!